About Me

I have been in the technology field for 25-plus years and have seen a lot of things emerge, change and disappear over that time.

It has been a long time since my uncle Hank first introduced me to the amazing world of computers when I was quite young.  He taught me to program in BASIC on an Ohio Scientific Challenger 2P, equipped with a small black and white TV and a handy, dandy cassette recorder.  I was hooked, I dove right into this new world, and I never looked back.


Since then, I’ve worked in several different venues, but never straying far from the convenience of using technology to make things easier.

Now days, I generally work as a program manager and technical lead for various technology project, but I like to stay focused on the Microsoft System Center family of products.  So, if you see posts about project management, don’t be surprised, as that consumes a lot of my time today.  But, technology is always right there at my side, making things easier – sometimes….

I hope you enjoy my blog and I hope that some of things I post will help you along your journey as well!


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Losing hair daily in the name of technology