SCCM 2007 – Troubleshooting – WUAHandler.log – Error = 0xc8000438

After deploying software updates to a collection the following State ID appears on the report titled: “States 1 – Enforcement States for a deployment”

State ID – 3010006 – “Failed to install update(s)”

When reading the WUAHandler.log file of a machine contained within this report, the following entries are found:

Async searching of updates using WUAgent started.
Async searching completed.
OnSearchComplete – Failed to end search job. Error = 0xc8000438.
Scan failed with error = 0xc8000438.

When noting the time stamps on the first two lines from the above entries, the times are generally seconds apart.

I have found that this is usually an indication of a corrupt or outdated Windows Update Agent. Installing the new agent, followed by an update scan or application will usually solve the issue.

The latest Windows Update Agent can be found here: (scroll to the bottom of the pages for the manual downloads)

SCCM 2007 – Status Messages – SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER

Just a short note to align some field names. Within status message reports, you may occasionally receive messages which reflect an item referred to as a “GUID.”

For the purposes of reporting:

Status messages referring to client “GUID’s” are referring to the field name, “v_R_System.SMS_Unique_Identifier0.”

Personally, I think they should rename the message so that it states something other than GUID, since there are variables wiithin the SCCM database which are referred to as GUID – which can be somewhat confusing to those initially diving into the views.