October is Approaching – Time to Plant Garlic

Well, it’s that time of year again, and it came so quickly this time!  Wasn’t it just yesterday when I was digging my year’s garlic harvest out of the ground and hanging it to cure?

Anyhow, for those of you who grow your own garlic, I hope you ordered early in the year as many of the good suppliers are sold out at this point.  You will still be able to purchase garlic seed at a local hardware store, but it won’t be the same as buying from Fillaree or Territorial Seed.

The first couple of weekends in October will be the optimal time for planting garlic so get your gardens prepared now so you aren’t scrambling at the last minute.  Remember that garlic bulbs need to be fed during their growth periods prior to the winter freezes (if you get those) and also need plenty of water as well.  Don’t over water, but definitely do not let the soil dry out either.  The better you treat your garlic bulbs early on, the bigger and stronger the bulbs will grow!