Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Wonderful Rain

Many of us down here in Texas were a bit fearful that it would be another very dry year. But, the clouds gathered and gave us some wetness that we haven’t seen in quite some time.

Although I don’t have any rain guages posted anywhere in the back yard, I have a nice fire pit which serves as a decent rough measurer of water whenever we are fortunate enough to have some. This round, I’m estimating we received about 5 plus inches of rain over two days. That’s quite a bit for this area and I feel pretty blessed about the whole situation.

Of course.. there are always some casualties with the onset of a heavy rain. My potatoes are all laying flat on the ground from the water weight. Hopefully, they will spring back up next week, when the sun is predicted to come back out. More rain on the horizon for Saturday and Sunday.

I really wish I had purchased those two additional rain barrels. Hind sight is 20/20.

Cheers to all!