Flowers – Beautiful Additions as Companion Plants

When creating a micro-ecosystem in your urban garden, there are many factors you have to consider. Pollination is one very important item as many vegetables will not fully mature unless they are pollinated. Providing trap crops to entice predatory insects away from your prized plants is another factor to consider. Still more consideration needs to be taken to provide a haven for insects which feed upon those which attack your plants.

Ladybug Lunch

Personally, I attempt to create an “attract and disperse” environment in my garden:  attract beneficial insectsand disperse those which may harm my plants or micro-ecosystem. This is a delicate balance to maintain. The goal is to attract those insects which will help pollinate flowers and vegetables, and prey on non-beneficial insects, while at the same time, creating and environment which discourages non-beneficial insects from visiting my garden. A daunting task to say the least.

In these pages, I will pull various pieces of knowledge together concerning specific flowers to help other organic gardeners collect their thoughts around how to best organize their gardens.

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