All posts by MikeL

Growing your garbage…

Garbage potato

So I was turning my composter a while back and saw something sprouting. Being the curious type, I pulled out the clump of compost to which it was attached and was surprised by a growing potato I had tossed in a few weeks ago.

I decided to plant it and see what happened and here we are, a couple weeks later with a nicely growing potato plant! I’ll keep tabs on this one until it’s time to dig it up and then tell you how they taste.
Who says garbage has no use?!?

February indoor seeding is almost over!

Because the temperature goes up and down throughout February, indoor seeding is a must for certain plants in order ensure a crop as early as possible. So, if you haven’t done so already, get your indoor flats prepped and seeded as quickly as possible!

Here are the items I’ve already started indoors:

Herbs – basil, chives, oregano

Vegetables and fruits – pole beans, cucumbers, melons, onions, peppers, spinach, tomatoes
